Monthly Archives: October 2015

#22 – Hang-o-Ween

Do you dare to enter the podcast of terror that is Good Hang Episode 22?? OOOooooOOOooooo!!!!

This week, Nathan’s been fixing up a new home recording studio while Jon has been touching base with a galaxy far, far away. Also, they now have proof that they are insufferable know-it-alls. Find out all about it in What Chu’ Been Up To. 

In We Read Yo’ Shit, the guys read two wonderful iTunes reviews that both start with an insult and end with a chorus of “awwww’s”. 

In GAME TIME it’s all about Star Wars as Jon challenges Nathan to an all Star Wars edition of Rotten Tomatoes, Finish the Quote, and Synopsis Game!! 

In the (abbreviated) news this week: $750 pill or $1 pill – You Decide! Bad People, Bad music, Bad Church!! LiLo to Take Over From President Trump in 2020!!!

Favorite Thing this week is Favorite Creepy Pasta!! Try to scare us over us @GoodHangPodcast.

So get under the covers where the monsters can’t get you and listen to the special Halloween episode of GOOOooooOOOOoooOOOOOooD Haaaaaaaang! 










#21 – Dueling Auhnulds

It’s time to have some fun with Episode Twenty-one! 

Jon’s been cooking up a big whole hunk of smoked cow…with science!! Then he and Nathan went and checked out the origins of gangsta rap in the form of the amazing film, Straight Outta Compton (WEST SIDE!!!). Find out all about that in this week’s What Chu’ Been Up To?!

In We Read Yo’ Shit, we find out all the different and funny excuses the Good Hang Gang uses to not exercise. Then the guys read a Facebook message full of praise and a question about Nathan’s headphones.

A special Halloween version of GAME TIME this week! Can Nathan finally stump Jon with Movie Synopsis Game: Horror Movie Edition.,,the result may surprise you. (Or not)

In the news this week: J.Law Says Penises Make More Money Than Vaginas! Homeland Production Gets Punked!! Proof That Justin Bieber is NOT a Little Girl…Though Many Remain Skeptical!!!

Favorite Thing this week: favorite member of the Expendables franchise!! Don’t forget to tweet your favorite thing with the hashtag: #GoodHangFavThing

So plug in your headphones, go for a skip, and enjoy Good Hang Episode Twenty-one, son!!!



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#20 – Boobs, Fun, and Cocaine Puns

Holy moly, Good Hang made it to Episode 20?? They, sure did, so suck a dick, doubters! [how unnecessary] 

Nathan’s been recovering from illness and spending time with his mom in the hospital as she recovers from a minor surgery. They’re both totally fine, but it’s got Nathan thinking about life, mortality, and death, and what not. Jon’s activated his binge tv mode as he watches Netflix’s Narcos – a show as addicting as main character Pablo Escobar’s fine white powder. Find out all about that in this week’s What Chu’ Been Up To?

As usual in We Read Yo’ Shit, the guys read out the Good Hang Gang’s fav things from last week. Then they read a review from America warning about the cocaine-like addictive nature of Good Hang. Saving the best for last, they play a beautiful song written for them by the amazing and talented Kaye…which leaves the guys speechless. 

In GAME TIME this week, Nathan finally wins!!! …or does he? You gotta listen to find out, as Jon challenges Nathan to a round of Complete the Super Famous Famous Quote!

In the news this week: Grab Taxi Grabs Attention…with Boobs! Matt Damon – More Like Matt Demon according to some LGBT people!! Surgically Assisted Bulimia!!!

Favorite Thing this week is favorite exercise!! Ewww…But #GoodHangGoodHealth though!!

So grab an 8ball of coke, plug in your headphones, and have a listen to Episode 20 of Good Hang!!!

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#19 – Pursuing the Arts (and Other Fart Jokes)

Livin’ the dream it’s time for Episode 19!!

Apple newest updates has turned Jon’s entire (First) world upside down – and not for the better. Meanwhile, Nathan’s been preparing a talk for a bunch of young, aspiring Nathans. Learn all about that in this week’s What Chu Been Up To?

In We Read Yo’ Shit, the guys discuss what the Good Hang Gang has deemed their tool tunes, before reading a wonderful message from a new listener. A young lady named Miguel then ask the guys for some advice on going to school to study art, a.k.a. throwing your life away [we kid, we kid]

Then tune in for the most intense GAME TIME of all time, as Nathan takes off the kid gloves in his bid to finally take Jon’s trophy. It’s the return of the Rotten Tomatoes Game!!

In the news this week: A Shooting in America and Sepp Blatter is acting like a tool! [this is SO twelve episodes ago] Manbuns Lead to Both a Loss in Hair AND Dignity!! Teen Goes to Jail for Taking a Snap of his Junk!!! NASA Wants the Best, the Brightest, and the Laziest!!!!

Favorite Thing this week is favorite word!!! Don’t forget tweet at us with #GoodHangFavThing

Jon says Episode 19 might just be his favorite episode yet, and just like Shakira’s hips, he don’t lie! …except for when he obiously is. 


Click the thumbnails for more info…







