Monthly Archives: February 2016

#38 – $ucks to be Ke$ha

Juice Colored, Good Hang Episode Thirty-eight is here!!

Jon’s been putting together a bitchin’ home entertainment system while Nathan’s been planing for some stuff in the future! Find out all about it in this week’s What Chu Been Up To?!

In We Read Yo’ Shit, the guys jump into the crazy-awesome world of the comment section from their live stream from Nathan’s Facebook artist page. Hello! We notice you!! We sang Photograph!!!

Game Time this week sees the return of the fan favorite game, Say Two Different Words and then Start Talking and Somehow Connect Them!!  [title not yet finalized]

In the News this week: Great Boxer, Not so Great Man…ny! Deadpool’s Causing Hollywood To Rethink Some Shit!! Ke$sha Could Use a Hug Right About Now!!!

Favorite Thing this week is favorite thing from Favorite Things

So make the most of the night like you’re gonna die young….by listening to Good Hang Number Thirty-eight!



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#37 – Jeremiah Isaac

Episode Thirty-seven!! …Jeremiah Isaac?? What’s a Jeremiah Isaac?!? Listen in to find out!!

Performer, musician, and all around awesome guy Jeremiah is in the studio this week for Black History Month. He shares his experiences about living life overseas as a black man (we’re allowed to used the term ‘black’ to describe him – we checked). 

In Game Time! it’s musician vs musician as Jon pits Nathan against Jeremiah in a round of Song Synonyms: Funk, R&B, and Rap edition!

In the News this week: Epic Plot Twist in 2016 US Election! Confirmation that Albert Einstein Was Super Smart!! Pornhub is all About Sperm…Whales!!!

In We Read Yo’ Shit, the guys give shoutouts to listeners old and new. And take a random question from a listener for Jeremiah and the guys to answer. 

Favorite Thing this week is favorite musical instrument. 

So grab your purple drink, put in your headphones, and listen to Good Hang Episode Thirty-Seven. And don’t forget to check out Jeremiah’s gig with the Fungki Munkees on the 26th!! 






#36 – Go See a Fat Guy (恭喜发财)

There’s no better way to kick off the Chinese New Year than a new episode of Good Hang! 

Nathan’s been eating and visiting cousins, new and old, this week. Meanwhile Jon, the non-Chinese half of the duo, has been worshiping at the sacred alter of Elon Musk. Find out all about it in this weeks What Chu Been Up To.

In GAME TIME! Jon test Nathan’s knowledge of Chinese New Year traditions in a round of Jon’s Original Riddles: CNY Edition.

In the News this week: Kurt Russell Takes His Hate Out on a Priceless Guitar! A Terrorist on a Plane Fails in Spectacular Fashion!! Science Makes Meat – All Hail Science!!! Stop Reacting to This Writeup or The Fine Bros Will Get You!!!! A Man Throws a Gator Through a Drive-Through Window – Just Another Day in Florida!!!!!

In a special mashup of We Read Yo’ Shit and Favorite Thing, the guys discuss what their favorite PS4 Game of all time is. Because video games are art too, ok?!

So grab an Orange or five, plug in your headphones, and open up the audio hangbao that is Good Hang Episode Thirty-Six!!!






#35 – Hirzi Zulkiflie

Hirzi (writer! actor! youtuber! activist! queen!)  comes in for a hang. We take your Twitter questions about career options, deepest fears, Hirzi’s last video ever, and street food.

This week in Game Time: Fashion Trivia! And this week in the news, the Nikon photoshop controversy.

We also talk about his work behind the scenes as a writer, his LGBT activism, as well as a crazy story about a very public display of bigotry towards him.