#67 – Tattoo Talk & Puppy Love

After back to back episodes with guests, the Good Hang duo is back to bringing you that good stuff.

Jon’s been going back to school and getting tattooed again, while Nathan gives his thoughts on life after coming back from China. Find out all about it in this week’s What Chu Been Up To?

it’s a jam packed We Read Yo Shit segment this week as the guys read comments and answer questions about the difference between US and Singaporean Colleges, Nathan’s musical plans, and songs that are linked to memories.

Time for you to play along in Game Time as Nathan challenges Jon to a round of Rotten Tomatoes Game: Foreigners Taking American Jobs edition!  

In the News this week: Scientists Create Killer Mosquitos! The Whole World Heads to Standing Rock!! Local TV Show Loses Face With Black Face!!! Harry Potter is Getting Philatelic!!!! 

All that and more, so get on the first plane back from North Dakota, plug in your headphones and have a listen to Good Hang Episode Sixty-seven!!


Nathan’s new favorite Unagi restaurant

Jon’s favorite sappy love song

– Christian Bale going ballistic on set

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