#64 – TV and Paperazzi

Reunited and it feels so good. The boys are back in the studio for Episode Sixty-four!

Jon’s been revelling in the new Fall TV season and Nathan’s been experiencing a whole new kind of fandom. Find out all about it in What Chu Been Up To?

In GAME TIME! Jon shares some the most important tv shows in his life as he challenges Nathan to a round of Name That TV Pilot!

An iTunes review, a lovely message, a response to a previous episode, and a poem – its a jammed packed segement of We Read Yo’ Shit!

In the News this week: Yahoo Sucks! A Face Worth Punching for a Noble Cause!! India Challenges Pakistan to Fight Poor People!!! Science Kicks Ass Again!!!

All that and more, so take a break from following Nathan around the airport and have a listen to Good Hang Episode Sixty-four!!!






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